segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2008

O Google faz bem ao cérebro?

O Google faz bem ao cérebro?

Quando há uns tempos se debateu se o o google nos está a tornar estúpidos estava ainda longe de imaginar que seria a ciência a contradizer a argumentação de Carr.

Neurocientistas da Universidade da California descobriram que procurar na internet exercita mais a mente do que ler e é similar a completar um puzzle ou palavras cruzadas.

Scientists discovered that searching the world wide web exercised the mind far more than reading and was similar to completing crosswords and puzzles.

Brain scans showed that going online stimulated larger parts of the brain than the relatively passive activity of reading a novel or non-fiction book.

It was so stimulating that the authors of the study believe it could actually help people maintain healthier brains into their old age.

“The study results are encouraging, that emerging computerised technologies may have physiological effects and potential benefits for middle-aged and older adults,” said principal investigator Dr. Gary Small, a professor at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at University of California.

“Internet searching engages complicated brain activity, which may help exercise and improve brain function.

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